10 Finest Hydrating Meals to Quench Your Thirst!


Keeping your body hydrated is important, especially in summer when the heat and humidity are high. Drinking water is essential in keeping your body hydrated, but did you know that you can hydrate yourself with what’s on your plate, not just what’s in your glass? Eating healthy, moisturizing foods in warm weather can help maintain your fluid balance and provide a variety of nutrients. In addition to being high in water content, the following foods are also full of nutrients that will help your body fight off disease.

These 10 moisturizing foods contain at least 88% water, making them an excellent choice to meet your hydration needs.

10 Moisturizing Foods You Should Eat to Quench Your Thirst and Hunger

# 1 cucumber

Cucumbers consist almost entirely of water. But they also provide a small amount of nutrients such as potassium, magnesium and vitamin K.

Cucumbers are also very low in calories compared to other water-rich vegetables. There are only 8 calories in a 52-gram serving of cucumber. They are also very refreshing due to their high water content.

If you’re on a weight loss journey, you can incorporate this moisturizing and refreshing food into your diet by adding it to salads, stir-fries, soups, and sandwiches.

Water content: 95%

# 2 tomatoes


Tomatoes have a high water content. The high amount of water in tomatoes contributes to their low calorie content, with only 32 calories in a 1 cup serving. They also provide a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, including immune-boosting vitamins A and C and antioxidants, which are beneficial for hydration and protection against various diseases.

You can enjoy tomatoes by adding them to your salads, curries, soups, chutneys, and many other dishes.

Water content: 94%

# 3 cauliflower

Cauliflower - moisturizing food

Cauliflower is an excellent vegetable to include in your diet as it provides a significant amount of water and fiber, and is an excellent substitute for grains that are less hydrated. It’s also low in calories, with 1 cup only containing 25 calories.

This moisturizing food contains over 15 different vitamins and minerals that aid brain health and metabolism.

You can include cauliflower in your diet by replacing it with less moisturizing cauliflower-based sauces instead of refined wheat flour. You can also swap it out for rice or make a cauliflower-based pizza crust which will also help you save on extra calories.

Water content: 92%

# 4 salad

Salad - moisturizing food

Salad is light, refreshing, high in water and has several health benefits. It is one of the best vegetables to keep you hydrated and full when you are on a weight loss diet. 1 cup of lettuce has only 10 calories. This moisturizing food is high in vitamin K, vitamin A, and folic acid, which can help keep your bones and immune system healthy.

You can include salad in your diet by using it as a wrap for your buns or to make light and delicious salads.

Water content: 96%

# 5 cabbage


Eating cabbage can benefit several aspects of your health, including hydration. This is due to its content of water, nutrients and antioxidants.

Cabbage is low in calories, but an impressively healthy cruciferous vegetable. It’s high in vitamin C, which is known to reduce inflammation and also lower the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Cabbage can be used to make sabji, paratha, curry, raita, köfta, and salad.

Water content: 92%

# 6 peppers


Paprika is an incredibly healthy vegetable. They are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium. Compared to other fruits and vegetables, bell peppers contain the highest amount of vitamin C and cover 317% of your daily requirement in just one cup.

Bell peppers are very low in calories at just 46 calories per cup. If you’re looking to lose weight, you can have a large serving of this moisturizing and crispy meal without feeling guilty.

You can include peppers in your diet by adding them to salads for the crunch, curries for the flavor, and stir-fries.

Water content: 92%

# 7 watermelon

Watermelon - moisturizing food

Watermelon is a sweet and refreshing low-calorie summer snack. It’s a moisturizing, nutrient-dense fruit that provides health benefits to your body and reduces the risk of chronic illness.

Watermelon is high in powerful antioxidants, including lycopene. This compound was studied for its ability to reduce oxidative damage to cells that have been linked to diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

This juicy fruit is fairly low in calories at 24 calories per cup, making it a perfect food for weight watchers.

You can consume this moisturizing fruit as a snack or add it to salads for a sweet and refreshing touch.

Water content: 92%

# 8 musk melon

Musk melon

Muskmelon is extremely nutritious and can improve your health in a number of ways. This water-rich fruit also contains fiber which, together with the high water content, promote satiety and reduce your appetite.

Muskmelon is also rich in vitamin A, which can boost your immune system and protect your body from infection.

You can eat muskmelons straight or add them to smoothies, yogurt and salads. This moisturizing food is also great as a breakfast accompaniment.

Water content: 90%

# 9 oranges

Oranges - moisturizing food

Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. They are a type of low-calorie and very nutritious citrus fruit.

The presence of vitamin C and potassium can help boost your immune system and improve heart health. Additionally, the presence of disease-fighting antioxidants, including flavonoids, can prevent cell damage by reducing inflammation. Oranges also help keep appetite under control due to the high water content that promotes satiety.

You can incorporate this moisturizing food into your diet by adding it to your salads, smoothies, oatmeal, and more.

Water content: 88%

# 10 strawberries


Strawberries are sweet, flavorful and delicious. They are loved by children and adults alike. They are also very healthy and have a high water content. Eating strawberries can add to your daily water intake as roughly 91% of their weight comes from water.

Strawberries also provide fiber, disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin C, folic acid, and manganese. Regular consumption of this moisturizing food has been shown to reduce inflammation, which can help protect against heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and various cancers.

Include strawberries in your diet by adding them to smoothies, salads, plain yogurt, and even sauces.

Water content: 91%


Staying hydrated is extremely important to your overall health. It is recommended that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to meet your fluid needs, but the water content of foods is often overlooked.

You can consume a significant amount of water and achieve your hydration goal by including foods high in water content like watermelon, tomatoes, oranges, lettuce, and more.

Stay hydrated and stay healthy.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q. What are the 3 symptoms of dehydration?

A. Although there are many symptoms of dehydration, ranging from mild to severe dehydration – 3 common symptoms are fatigue, increased thirst, dry mouth and tongue. Other mild symptoms include decreased urination, decreased tear production, dry skin, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, and headache. Severe dehydration can lead to symptoms such as excessive thirst, lack of sweat production, low blood pressure, faster heart rate, faster breathing, sunken eyes, wrinkled skin, and dark urine. Severe symptoms are a sign to see a doctor right away.

Q. What foods are good for dehydration?

A. You can opt for lemon water, buttermilk, coconut water along with water-rich foods like cucumber, tomato, cauliflower, watermelon, oranges, and musk melon.


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